I made her a candle with music notes and a birthday card to send to her in the mail. I found a tutorial a few weeks ago and it told how to print on tissue paper and then melt it into the side of the candle. I am sorry I don't know where I found it, if you know; tell me! I would like to give credit.
So, the first thing is to print your image on tissue paper. Easy right? Well, not if you don't tape it down well. The trick is t tape it on all sides to a piece of normal paper so it can be pulled through the printer.
I printed a music page and the letter B to wrap around my candle. Benita has a wonderful voice and aso plays the piano very well. :) Trim the paper to fit around your candle and you really don't want any extra because it will show. Wrap the tissue paper around the candle and hold it in place while you melt the wax. I initially was going to use a lighter - ha! Not a good idea. The best thing I found is to use another candle and hold it over it to heat the wax and it will "absorb" the tissue paper.
Be careful or your wax will get too hot and drip off and leave a hollow spot. Don't ask how I know. Any-who, that is it for the candle. Simple Simon!!
I then made a card I thought suited her personality. I definitely see the benefit of making a practice run because AFTER I adhered some things, I thought hmm that would look better if . . .
Oh well, maybe next time! :) I still think it looks like her; black and white - classy and red - sassy!!
I am still trying to get back into the swing of cards. I used to make them with my friend Danielle who was a SU representative. Oh the fun we had!! :)
Well, I think I will wait and post Little J's birthday goodies tomorrow. Have a sassy Saturday!!
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